We gave a workshop on how to develop critical thinking through cross-generational storytelling to a room full of educators and media literacy enthusiasts at the Media Lit Seminar.

Our founder inaugurated Larnaka Cinema Society’s “Cinema Talks”, with a talk on “The Female Gaze and Its Importance in Cinema".

Our founder gave a TEDx talk encouraging the audience to pause before acting online.

We’re happy to collaborate with the Lemesos Documentary Festival for the screening of Bellingcat: Truth in a Post-Truth World.

We got the chance to meet and interact with other local NGOs who are interested in making a difference in the world at the Social Innovation for Social Inclusion Forum, organized by Youth Board Cyprus and the Center for Social Innovation.

By focusing on storytelling, Your Story has developed an approach to integrating media literacy skills in a way that also celebrates the wider community, and connects younger and older generations together, through the use of media and technology.

In the week beginning 11 February – 15 February 2020 three separate screening events will take place in Larnaka, Cyprus, Hyvinkää, Finland and Mulhouse, France which will feature the short documentaries created by young participants.

Our founder, Christiana Varda, will be a giving a presentation titled "Woman, Self, Selfie: Behind self-representations Online", as part of Fotodos' 2021 guest speaker series.

What is it like to think like someone else? Media What and Yiota Demetriou, an award-winning multimedia artist will present the concept game Με Τον Νου Σου! on Facebook live.

We begin the Mediatized Portraits of Women Speaker series with a workshop by Maria Angeli, Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies, on 12 May 2021, 18:00 to 19:00 online. All POWER events will be in Greek.

The workshop is part of the Mediatized Portraits of Women Speaker series. Dr Dimitra Milioni, from the Cyprus University of Technology, will explore the face of gender and how this has changed from traditional to digital media on 19 May 2021, 18:00 to 19:00 online. All POWER events will be in Greek.

The workshop is part of the Mediatized Portraits of Women Speaker series. Dr Jahna Otterbacher, from the Open University Cyprus, will explore how algorithms online view and shape women's identity on 26 May 2021, 18:00 to 19:00 online. All POWER events will be in Greek.

The talk is part of the Mediatized Portraits of Women Speaker series. Andrea Solomonides, communication specialist and entrepreneur, will talk about about the value of starting over on 16 June 2021, 18:00 to 19:00 online. All POWER events will be in Greek.

The talk is part of the Mediatized Portraits of Women Speaker series. Τhe three young women behind the initiative "Thkio Logia", will talk about the prerequisites to taking action on gender equality on 23 June 2021, 18:00 to 19:00 online. All POWER events will be in Greek.

The talk is part of the Mediatized Portraits of Women Speaker series. Tonia Stavrinou, a journalist, will talk about her about her experience in covering news related to trafficking on 9 June 2021, 18:00 to 19:00 online. All POWER events will be in Greek.

The talk is part of the Mediatized Portraits of Women Speaker series. Tonia Mishiali, a film and theater director, will talk about her decision to capture the reality of a woman stuck in an oppressive marriage in "Pause" on 2 June 2021, 18:00 to 19:00 online. All POWER events will be in Greek.

Join us at Youth Makerspace Larnaka for the Making Womanhood artists-in-residence joint exhibition on Saturday, 2 October 2021, 17:00 to 19:30.